This is the FAQ for MultiWeather, an weather information retrieval
program. The program chances often as you can encounter, maybe there
are a lot more problems than I've managed to answer here, so if have any
one have suggestions concerning this document, drop me an email.
The configure scripts checks wether all necessary compiler features
are supported on your system. Typically, you should try to have the
most recent version of the required libraries installed on your
The rationale for using the GPL is simple: I have profitted
enourmously (as has the entire Linux community) from the availability
of free software that comes with source code. I wish for this process
to continue and see the GPL as the mother of open source software
licences which will assure the continued availablilty/openness of the
source code.
How can I contribute?
Making MultiWeather into a complete and polished application will take
some major (or at least persistent) effort on my part (ie: don't hold
your breath waiting for verion 1.0). As such, if you can contribute
anything (code, fixes, suggestions, documentation or even
suggestions) I would appreciate hearing from you. Part of the open
source philosophy seems to be "Do it yourself" so here's your chance.
Lets prove to the world that the whole open source thing really works.
If you are able and willing help out in any way with extending
multiweather, please contact me.
If you get errors about being unable to open theme files, you should
edit your .gtkrc and add a line like this
at the *beginning* of this file. MultiWeather should now load the theme
upon startup.
How do I submit a bug report and why should I bother to do so?
How: Mail and describe what you did and what went wrong.
Why: In my experience, lots of subtle little bugs only turn up when
compiling the code on another OS or hardware platform. As such, if
you're not on an Intel Glibc Linux system, and something breaks, I
would appreciate a mail; especially so, if it's in a rather obvious
place as this usually indicates a bug that might just not appear on my
system. Your bug reports help me make MultiWeather a better application.
MultiWeather crashes. What useful information can I provide to the author?
If you've downloaded the precompiled executable you can't do much at
this point as the executable is stripped of all debug information. The
best thing is probably to send me an email describing what you did.
If you compiled your own executable from the source code, please
recompile MultiWeather with the -g flag (add the -g flag to the TF_CFLAGS
and TF_CXXFLAGS variables in mweather/src/Makefile). Then use gdb (or
any other debugger) to send me a stack trace:
gdb ./mweather
r [append any necessary options here]
.... this will run until it crashes ...
The bt command should give you a stack trace which should help me
figure out what went wrong. You can use ./configure --disable-debug to
compile an executable without the built in stack trace facility.
If you downloaded the static executable, don't bother doing this as
your executable has been stripped off all debug information; as such
the information above only applies if you compiled your own
executable. Thank you for your cooperation.